In the world of cinema we can see the most of filmmakers try to do the same as the others and most of them to be
in one way road and they donot try to publihsh a new way but after the some event in the world ( world war 2 ,Rassia reavalotoin,filmmaking in france and Italy and europe also in us) filmmakers try a new way .How they creat this way firstly you must see their work to understanding them,and then you must read thier critted.
Abuot cinema and poetary,the velue of pictuer is most important way that filmmaker do that,secandly,compotition and daliymoveiny camera and longtake sequinces,ligthing and contrast,useing of coloers and black and white,aceting the acters,eaditeing,and ect ,ect,ect.....